
St Margaret's CofE

Primary School

A welcoming village school in the of the Rottingdean community

Year 4



Hello Year 4, Otters Class! I am super excited about our topic this Summer term ~ which will be announced to you on the first day back to school. 




Miss. Drake smiley


Please contact me with any concerns or questions via my email



Mondays will be PE and Forest School with Mr. Jones so please wear something suitable for both activities. Wednesday you will need to wear PE kit.

Please ensure that the children come into school on these days wearing their school PE kit: shorts or tracksuit bottoms (depending on the weather), trainers, school jumper or fleece.   



Homework will be set weekly, on Google Classroom, on Friday and expected to be handed in the following friday which gives a week to ensure this is complete. Homework will consist of spellings, times tables, and reading. Your reading journals should also be completed at home to keep a record of what books you have read. 


Reading expectations are a minimum of 10 minutes daily. 

Spellings will be set weekly and will be a task with spellings from the statutory Year 3/4 spelling list. 

Times Tables Rock Stars or another form of times table practice must be completed at least 3-4 times a week. We are setting up lots of battles between year groups so remember to go on it as much as you can! 



Ancient Egyptians Topic Web
