
St Margaret's CofE

Primary School

A welcoming village school in the of the Rottingdean community

Year 3

What changed in 1066?

Spring Term 1 2022 Topic Web

Welcome to Year 3!

I hope you have had a fantastic half term! After our learning about wild weather last term, I think we got some last week!


This half term, we are travelling back to the year 1066, a famous and important year in the history of our country. We will be asking 'What changed in 1066?' while examining sources, asking further questions, acting out battles and exploring new places! 


In Week 2 we are visiting Battle Abbey where we will learn all about what happened in this year and have a chance to explore! I can't wait!


It promises to be an extremely exciting topic.


PE days continue to be Mondays and Fridays, so children are asked to wear school PE kit into school on these days. Thank you. 


I look forward to catching up with you at the parent consultations at the end of March. More details will be coming soon. Look out for new photos and work appearing on this page too!


Many thanks,  Tim De Marco, Year 3 Class Teacher.



Forward into Battle at Battle Abbey!



Our Trip To Michelham Priory!

Tuesday 12th October

We visited Michelham Priory to learn more about our topic. We went for a walk back in time to pre-history, crept up on an ox, discovered a roundhouse and charged on Mr De Marco!


Back inside we looked at artefacts from the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age and then buried two of our class with lots of special objects they could take into the afterlife.


Finally, we learnt how to do 'cog weaving' and made bracelets for us to wear!  It was a fantastic day!

Year Three Topic Web Autumn Term 1

Home learning information

This week, the children will choose library books and be given a reading book. Children should be reading every day if possible, including regularly reading to an adult. We will be aiming to find the right level book for each child. Please write comments and questions in your child's reading record. Children can change their books every day.


The children have shown me that they thoroughly learnt the 2x, 5x and 10x tables last year and are continuing to practice them. This year we will be adding the 3x, 4x and 8x tables which the children should learn thoroughly. It is good to keep practicing and getting even more familiar with these times tables as well as their related division calculations.



If you would like to ask me anything, I will be on the playground at the end of every day except on Mondays. You can also contact me on:

I will aim to reply as quickly as I can between 8.30-4.30pm Monday to Friday. 

Year 3 Curriculum Map - an overview of the Year 3 curriculum

Maths for the able child


If your child needs more challenge we recommend the challenges from


Click on the primary tab and search for a challenge on an appropriate theme e.g. addition, fractions, symmetry.

The key thing is to let your child puzzle your way through it , rather than show them how to work it out.  Helpful hints can be found in "how to get started"  and for adults - looking at the solution may make the skills needed clearer  

Useful Resources to use at home!