
St Margaret's CofE

Primary School

A welcoming village school in the of the Rottingdean community

Year 2

Welcome to Squirrels Class

Squirrels Class

Welcome to Squirrels class page. This page has been set up to help provide some information for you with regards to what happens in year 2, our expectations and some helpful and handy links to support further learning. Should you need to contact me, please feel free to send me an email. 


My contact details are


Information for this term



Our topic for this term is 'Would I like to emigrate to Australia?' We will be remembering our work on the continents and oceans around the world and using this to know where Australia is. We will find out about life in Sydney and the physical and human geography of Sydney and surrounding area. The children will create art work inspired Australian Aboriginal Art and find out who the indigenous people of Australia are. See our Topic Web for a breakdown of what we will be doing in each subject.



PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please ensure that the children come into school on these days wearing their school PE kit : green shorts or tracksuit bottoms (depending on the weather), yellow t-shirt, trainers, school jumper or fleece.  




Maths – The children are all set up on Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars will be set up for them later in the year once we have covered multiplication and timetables in out maths lessons. These are there to build up their fluency & quick recall of key number facts. Please support this children in using this as a way off them enjoying their learning at home and reinforcing some keys skills that are best learned by short regular practise.


Reading – Please read with you child as often as possible, we would recommend at least 4 or 5 times a week with the books they bring home from school. A major part of reading is year 2 is developing the children’s comprehension of what they are reading. The children will be able to do this best when they are reading at least 95% of the words they come across without the need to sounds out, blend and check them.


Alongside this the more books, stories and reading they enjoy the better. This includes having stories read to them, reading other books they enjoy and seeing the people around them as ‘readers’. 


Spelling – The children should ideally be applying the phonics sounds, they are familiar with, in their spelling and having phonetically plausible attempts. They are expected to be able to spell the common exception words, noting where letter or parts of words are making unusual sounds, for year one and should be becoming familiar with the year two words through this year. There is the list of these words and some spelling games you can play at home to support with this below under 'Common Exception Words'.

Topic Web - Would I like to emigrate to Australia?

Maths Links

Year 2 Curriculum Map - an overview of the Year 2 curriculum
