
St Margaret's CofE

Primary School

A welcoming village school in the of the Rottingdean community


PSHE Curriculum Statement


PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) is embedded throughout our curriculum in all year groups (particularly through Science: healthy eating and ICT: E-Safety). In addition it is taught as a discrete subject weekly. Topics are taken from the SEAL scheme of work and the Brighton and Hove syllabus, and cover three key strands: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World – Economic wellbeing and being a responsible citizen. It aims to help children understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.

Progression of Skills in PSHE
PSHE in Action at St Margaret's
Enrichment Activities to Support PSHE

Anti-Bullying at St Margaret's


At St Margaret's we use PSHE lessons to develop children's understanding of bullying issues and to teach them how to stay safe. We call this protective behaviours.


One of the ways that we teach about bullying is to think about the different types of incidents that might happen on the playground in the following categories:


Teasing - everyone is having fun - no one is getting hurt - everyone is participating equally


Conflict - no one is having fun - there is a possible solution to the disagreement - equal balance of power


Mean Moment - someone is being hurt on purpose - reaction to a strong feeling or emotion - does not happen again


Bullying - someone is being hurt on purpose - attacked physically, socially or emotionally - unequal balance of power - happens more than once



Bully Busters


We are committed to keeping children safe and preventing bullying behaviours. We work closely with the charity Safetynet to run a Bully Busters programme.

Children from Years 5 and 6 spend some of their break and lunch times supporting other children to have positive break times and avoid conflict or bullying type behaviours.

Safetynet deliver training to the Bully Busters to help them recognise bullying behaviour and to equip them with the skills to be able to support other children.

The Bully Busters also support with awareness raising during Anti-Bullying week. 
