
St Margaret's CofE

Primary School

A welcoming village school in the of the Rottingdean community



Music at St Margaret's is taught through the Charanga scheme of work.  This provides progression from Reception to Year 6 and exposes children to a range of different music genres as well as teaching them key skills and musical terminology.


From the beginning of Reception children are able to use percussion instruments in their music lessons.  As they move into Key Stage 2 they are given opportunities to play tuned musical instruments such as recorders and glockenspiels.



Soundmakers is delivered by the Brighton and Hove Music and Arts (BHMA).  At St Margaret's we offer the project to children in Year 5 and they are given the opportunity to access a programme of whole-class instrumental learning.  


Delivered by music leaders from BHMA working in partnership with the class teacher, Soundmakers offers an engaging and enjoyable musical experience which enables children to learn together as band, developing musical concepts through the practical application of instrumental/vocal skills while working together towards a celebration performance.

Brighton School's Christmas Concert

Every year Key Stage 2 children at St Margaret's have the opportunity to take part in the Brighton and Hove School's Christmas Concert at the Brighton Centre.  This is a spectacular event that is usually offered to Year 5 children where more than 1,200 children from more than 40 schools join together to perform for their families and friends.  It is an incredible opportunity for the children to have the experience of performing at a major venue and in front of a large audience.

