Curriculum Statement of Intent
At St Margaret’s we are working with our school community to shape responsible, global citizens of the future with Grace, Strength and Love. Our overarching aim is to provide an inspiring curriculum with a wide range of opportunities that educates the whole child, so that they can leave our school aspiring to make a positive contribution to society in the future. Our Christian Values of Generosity, Respect, Aspiration, Community and Excellence underpin all that we do and want to achieve in our school.
We are committed to providing a broad curriculum with a wide range of opportunities that has the pastoral care of all children at the heart of it; promoting their physical and mental wellbeing through a thorough and well-structured PSHE curriculum, and a range of Christian and British values-based learning (which includes online safety and anti-bullying).
We have designed our curriculum so that it harnesses the resources that we have on our doorstep, making sure that all of our children experience the richness of our school grounds, local environment and the history within it, and making the children’s learning relevant to their experiences. We encourage children to question and challenge their learning and the world around them in a positive way, promoting inquisitive minds through an enquiry based topic led approach.
Our curriculum focusses on developing the children’s knowledge and skills, building on these year on year, always moving forward, but also reflecting on and recapping previous learning. We actively encourage children to develop a ‘growth mindset’ to their learning, with the whole school using ‘learning friends’ to support children to develop their skills as a learner, that they can then use throughout their life.
We are determined to secure progress and achievement for all pupils in a holistic way, paying close attention, not only to academic achievement, but also to creative pursuits, physical development and pastoral care.
At St Margaret’s, we pride ourselves on being fully inclusive. We want to enable all pupils, no matter what their starting point, to make the best progress possible and achieve their full potential. We aim to deepen and strengthen their knowledge, skills and understanding through carefully planned challenge activities or interventions, that are designed to ensure understanding for all children is achieved in a way that best fits their individual needs.
More widely, we work hard to ensure our pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain and we promote and offer our pupils opportunities to be actively involved with their community to engage in local, national and global awareness through a range of initiatives. Our extra-curricular opportunities also offer a diverse range of high quality opportunities for further personal development for our pupils.
We collaboratively work together as subject leaders in a STEM and CREATIVE team, ensuring curriculum leadership is strong and distributed. Both teams are engaged in a continuing process of monitoring and evaluation of different focus subjects for the term, to ensure the curriculum is engaging, progressive in the skills it teaches and offers a wide range of opportunities to our pupils.